A Medley of Murder Mystery Plays by Lee Mueller

This medley of mystery includes "Murder Me Always" - During a very bad performance of "Murder Me Always", a real murder takes place off stage

"Talk About A Murder" - A Television talk Show is taping a live broadcast. One of the guests turns up dead. And the award-winning "Death Of A Doornail" - An eccentric Millionaire, Albert Doornale has invited all of his close friends to his estate. The only problem is, Albert is missing.

Another Medley Of Murder Mystery Plays  by Lee Mueller

"Stay As Dead As You Are" - Haldeman High is having a class reunion. During the festivities, two people are injured by lawn Jarts.

"Remains To Be Seen" - A body is found in a steamer trunk on the back of a "U-Move-It" rental truck. 

"I'm Getting Murdered In The Morning" - During the garter toss at Brenda and Eddie's Reception, a mysterious man is killed on the dance floor. 

One More Medley Of Murder Mystery Plays  by Lee Mueller

This volume includes "An Audition For A Murder" - A Theatre group is holding auditions for a Murder Mystery and of the actors mysteriously dies.

"A Plot Of Murder" -A Neighborhood Association meeting and an Elvis impersonator ends up dead in the restroom.  "An Irritation To A Murder" - Godfry Gatewood, multi-millionaire and Financial whiz is under so much pressure and trouble that he could just die. Well, actually he does. 

Basic On Stage Survival Guide for Amateur Actors

Helpful tips, tricks, and trivia for any novice actor or anyone wanting to set foot on the theatrical stage for the first time. What to expect at an audition for a play. What are directors looking for in an actor and what are they trying to avoid? A must for any new actor.

Idle Essence - Tales Of Marvin by Lee Mueller

In this collection of short stories and novellas, Lee Mueller examines what it was like growing up in the Midwest in the late 1960s and into the early 1970s through the character of Marvin Milstead. Marvin is an only child left to his own devices, imagination, and idleness.  

Street Ends No Outlet - by Lee Mueller

A humorous meditation on defining a place among your peers. Marvin is a 5th grader who wants to make a transition from an ordinary face in the crowd to a cool kid who hangs out at the local cinema on Friday nights. Is there a short cut?