A Plot Of Murder - Comedy Murder Mystery play
A Neighborhood Association meeting is usually a dull affair. But at this meeting an Elvis impersonator ends up dead in the restroom. Agent McManshon is quick to arrive and conduct an investigation. It seems Agent McManshon knows a lot about this plot of murder, but it's a secret. 
An Audition For A Murder - Comedy murder mystery play
A Theatre group is holding auditions for a Murder Mystery called "Death of A Disco Dancer". One of the actors mysteriously dies. Luckily the playwright has invited a detective to the auditions. Can the case be solved? Can the show be cast? 
A Murder Has Been Renounced - a comedy murder mystery play
A couple's car breaks down on a dark and stormy night. A nearby estate offers shelter and an oddball group of guests all behaving very strangely. The phone lines are down and  a necklace is stolen, shots are fired, a guest is strangled. You know, the usual fare.  
Dead 2 Rights -  a comedy murder mystery play
A double booked banquet room leads to trouble. A corporate meeting and a book club must work out a solution. And while they are at it, solve two murders. 
Death Near Dead Man's Holler -  a comedy murder mystery play
Nothing much ever happens in the small town of Meridosa till now. Gun-slinger Sergio Van Cleef is in town for safekeeping in the jail. All Sheriff John Ford needs to do is keep an eye on him. Simple right? Until Van Cleef winds up dead.  
Death Of A  Doornail -  a comedy murder mystery play
Eccentric Millionaire, Albert Doornale has invited all of his close friends to his estate. Only problem is, Albert's not home. No one has seen him. Was Albert killed? Kidnapped? A murder investigation will begin, as soon as a body is found. 
Last Call At Chez Mort -  a comedy murder mystery play
A Night Club in the 1940s is the scene of a bizarre death. Was it an accident or was it murder? Inspector Constantine could pin it on any one of these mugs. The gangster, the showgirl, the French guy, the Russian with a hatchet. Will he pick the right one? 
Murder Me Always -  a comedy murder mystery play
During a very bad performance of "Murder Me Always", a real murder takes place off stage. The Director is shot. The "fake" play comes to a halt and a "real" murder mystery begins. 
Remains To Be Seen -  a comedy murder mystery play
A body is found in a steamer trunk on the back of a "U-Move-It" rental truck. But as Detective Goodman and Badham find, it's not as easy as tracking down the last person who rented the truck. 
To Wake The Dead -  a comedy murder mystery play
Renown Mystery writer Fred Finnegan has died under unusual circumstances and all his friends have gathered at his wake. Was Fred murdered by someone at the wake? Because Fred's ghost shows up and he's dying to find out who dun it!